“Wittgenstein would love this, and he might just call it ‘awesomepants’.”

Pop Wittgenstein

Photo by, and licensed from, Arbitrary.Marks.

Thank you all so much for trying out Wordnik! We hope you’re enjoying using the site (and that you let us know about things you’d like us to change/fix/update).

A few of our favorite things from our first few days:

The tags “sprinkles” and “ice cream toppings“. (And the images at “jimmies“, yum!)

The pronunciation of “inconceivable” by Mitchell.

That 81 people (and counting) have looked up “lexicographer“!

The title of this post (which comes from a comment left on this post from our friends at the TED blog — thanks Shanna!)

Also, here’s our Firefox search bar plugin, for those of you who were looking for it.

3 thoughts on ““Wittgenstein would love this, and he might just call it ‘awesomepants’.”

  1. Awesomepants, indeed! 🙂 So much to explore on the site! I highly recommend Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. “4.002: Colloquial language is a part of the human organism and is not less complicated than it.”

  2. I just found out about Wordnik through the TED blog – absolutely love it. Have spent about an hour looking up my own name 🙂 Just added your blog to my blog roll on my site – extremely innovative!

  3. Awesomepants, indeed! 🙂 So much to explore on the site! I highly recommend Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. “4.002: Colloquial language is a part of the human organism and is not less complicated than it.”

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