New Stuff at Wordnik!

Over the last few days we’ve added a couple new things to Wordnik that we hope you’ll like — first, autocomplete! (Quite a few people have requested this.) Now, when you start typing in the search box, you’ll see a list of suggestions.

What would you suggest?

We’ve also added a “forms” graph. What’s a forms graph? A forms graph tells you stuff like this:

is it Internet or internet?
In our data, upper-case “Internet” is still slightly more common than lower-case “internet”.

We’ve also started showing you words used in the same contexts as the word you’ve looked up. These are the words that we’ve found to be used in the same contexts as the word wry:

Those who are wry are also ... ?
These are words that aren’t necessarily synonymous, but words that are used in the same way in the same kinds of sentences. Have a word on the tip of your tongue? Check out our same-context list for a word that describes the same kind of thing as the word you can’t think of. Something that is described as wry (like a sense of humor or a comment) might very well also be called sardonic.

At Wordnik, our plan is to give you as much information as we can about as many words as we can — please let us know how useful you find it!

2 thoughts on “New Stuff at Wordnik!

  1. Can this also include the hyphenated and separate word versions where they exist? Example nestegg; nest-egg and nest egg

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