Today’s word of the day is hemidemisemiquaver, a sixty-fourth note in music. It’s also included on our list of the day by user chained_bear, “stupid drumming terms that run through my tiny brain.”
Today’s word of the day is hemidemisemiquaver, a sixty-fourth note in music. It’s also included on our list of the day by user chained_bear, “stupid drumming terms that run through my tiny brain.”
Today’s list of the day is of terms from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, such as haddock, coal-scuttle, and nohow.
Today’s word of the day is sough, which as a verb means “to make a soft murmuring or rustling sound” and as a noun “a soft murmuring or rustling sound, as of the wind or a gentle surf.”
Today’s list of the day is of print-making terms: rotogravure, planographic, tympan, and more.
Today’s word of the day is vicissitude, a change or variation. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in Alice Doane’s Appeal, used it this way: “Their emotions came and went with quick vicissitude, and sometimes combined to form a peculiar and delicious excitement, the mirth brightening the gloom into a sunny shower of feeling, and a rainbow in the mind.”
Today’s list features words for nonsense, blather, and trash, such as bunkum, hooey, and prattle.