Today’s word of the day is bespawl, which means “to soil or make foul with or as with spittle.” In other words, to spit on something. Spawl (or spall) is “saliva or spittle thrown out carelessly; slaver.”
Today’s list of the day is made of those adjectives meaning “of or like a certain kind of animal” and ending in -ine You known canine and bovine, but what about crotaline (like a rattlesnake), arietine (like a ram), and rangiferine (like a reindeer)?
Today’s word of the day is lambent, meaning “flickering lightly over or on a surface,” “effortlessly light or brilliant” or “having a gentle glow; luminous.”
Today’s list of the day is words about words, including asperand, which is an uncommon name for the @ symbol. Also on the list are chrestomathy, calumny, aubade, and more.
Today’s word of the day is skep, which is, at its most basic, a beehive made out of straw or wicker.
Today’s list of the day features words from David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest. A second such list. A third (and the largest) one. A fourth one.