Photo by, and licensed from, ..its.magic...
We’ve taken down some of the velvet ropes and are approving user logins again — almost everyone should now be approved within forty-eight hours after signing up. (If you share a name with someone who beat us up in middle school, your login approval may take longer. Possibly much longer.)
We are still requiring logins for a while longer, though, so that we can make sure we can handle the traffic.
Got questions? Leave a comment or email us!
Best wishes for the site. Looks like an excellent idea.
Here’s a wordy poem to encourage you (the last line could be your motto):
“Homage to Ferd Holthausen”
Gwen Harwood
At a street bookstall in Karlsruhe, my father
bought for my schoolboy son, then starting German,
Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Englischen Sprache
by Ferd. Holthausen, Professor of Kiel.
Lovely old binding, elegant type, good paper,
printed in Leipzig, 1917.
I like to think of Ferd. Holthausen sitting
with Skeat and Sweet and part of the New Oxford
(war having cut the final letters off)
working on his Büchlein (it’s pocket sized)
transcribing words while Europe raged outside:
Breviloquent, compagination, dittany,
griskin, harmel, irrision, kilderkin, nimb,
obnubilation, oleraceous, parpent –
O Holthausen, O Ferd.! O Dear Professor!
Forgive me my papillonaceous mind.
Teach me to perlustrate my native tongue.
Let me be of your phratry. My pignoration,
see, is this smaragd, of porraceous hue.
Bless my tripudiation, stellify my verses, Ferd., be ever at my scrutoire.