Thanks so much for trying out Wordnik’s new blog engagement tool, which we’ve code-named “Project Chorus.” Chorus delivers your own interesting, relevant, and serendipitous content to your readers.
We know you spend a lot of time creating interesting blog posts to surprise and delight your users. But we also know it can be difficult or time-consuming to dig up related content to share. With Chorus, you can give your readers a fun, easy way to discover even more amazing content!
Chorus will show your readers content from your site or from across the WordPress network — you decide. Our real-time notifications provide immediate discoveries for your readers and then get out of the way.
How do we choose what to show? Our proven “concept graph” technology (based on‘s huge collection of millions of words and their meanings in context) understands the meaning of your content and delivers relevant and intriguing discoveries.
As we grow, Chorus will help lead new readers to your blog, too, with the power of the network.
Project Chorus is still in alpha — so we’re really looking forward to hearing your feedback. Please email us with your questions and suggestions!