We’re trying something new here on Wednesday at Wordnik — “Secret Word Wednesday.” It’ll work like this:
- We’ll choose a secret word.
- We won’t tell you what it is. (That’s why it’s SECRET.)
- We’ll tweet clues to the word (follow us at @wordnik).
- When you think you know the SECRET WORD, tweet it! Use @wordnik so we can find your tweet.
- If your guess is correct, we’ll re-tweet it, and ask you to email us so we can send you Wordnik stickers and other cool stuff!
And of course it wouldn’t be a SECRET WORD if it didn’t have a special extra … when you think you’ve found the secret word of the day, check the audio pronunciations for confirmation.

Photo by, and licensed (C BY-NC-ND 2.0) from, heather.
P.S. The secret word today is NOT “Door.”