Naming Party

For Wordies in the New York City area, this could be fun: a naming party for a new company. I met these good folks on the NextNY list, where Jonah helps maintain the blogroll. Go for the free food and drink, stay for the company and to show off your mad, mad word skills. I’m going to try and make it, though I’m stuck out in the hinterlands of New Jersey all afternoon tomorrow, so we’ll see.

Naming companies, and web sites, can be amazingly difficult. Especially if you’re trying to find an available domain at the same time. Mein got, coming up with Squirl took frickin’ forever, and in the end we still made the moronic amateur-hour decision to get a .info domain (because we loved the name, but the squatter who owned .com wanted $35k for it). Wordie came more easily, perhaps because I had no intention of building it. Everything is easier when it’s a joke.