Have some software on us

Today Wordnik is at MongoSV, a conference held by MongoDB creator 10gen in Silicon Valley. We’re presenting tools and tricks for managing a large deployment of MongoDB. In addition, we’re releasing our home-grown MongoDB admin tools to the wild.

We’ve shared lots of information on how we use MongoDB in some blog posts and back at MongoSF in April. MongoDB plays an invaluable role in Wordnik’s application stack. It’s becoming the clear leader in the non-relational database world, and has enabled us to bring more to our users faster. Wordnik is now serving 10 million API requests per day, so performance is paramount. (You can sign up for Wordnik’s free API and see for yourself.)

We’ve had an excellent experience switching to MongoDB (you can read how we did it here). Managing it takes less effort than our previous MySQL deployment, allowing us to add both features and content quickly. So to help other folks out there manage their MongoDB deployment we’re announcing Wordnik OSS Tools, a suite for managing MongoDB deployments, including tools for incremental backup, restoring from backups, and more.

And if you didn’t make it to the conference, check out our slide deck: Keeping the Lights on with MongoDB.

As always, questions and feedback welcome.

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