Today’s word of the day is celadon. It’s this color of green and this type of glazed pottery:

Photo by Bridgman Pottery and used under a Creative Commons license.
Today’s word of the day is celadon. It’s this color of green and this type of glazed pottery:
Nice word that evokes beautiful images and memories. But I’m surprised to see that the TAGS you’ve used for it, while including `China’, `Chinese’, `Japan’, and `Japanese’ fail to include either `Korea’ or `Korean’. The omission is surprising because celadon pottery is so closely associated with Korea, at least among art historians and collectors. This can be confirmed by a visit to wikipedia’s article (, where more words are devoted to Korean celadon than to either Japanese or Chinese, and of the 12 photos of celadon pieces, 6 are Korean.
Beautiful ceramics aside, that wikipedia article is worth a visit for the fancy, and likely fanciful theories regarding the etymology of the word.
Thanks, David. I’ve added the new tags you’ve suggested.