Welcome Hannah and Tom!

We’re happy to welcome two new folks to the Wordnik team!

First off — Hannah!

Welcome Hannah!

Hannah Russin is a marketer with broad experience in both B2B and B2C customer acquisition. Prior to joining Wordnik, Hannah worked at start-ups, including GREE, Clean Power Finance, AdRoll, and Sungevity, where she focused on communications and acquisition channels, including mobile UA, SEO, SEM, email marketing, website optimization, and social media outreach. Hannah began her start-up career as the eighth employee at Sungevity, where she built everything from her desk to a marketing strategy that helped grow Sungevity into a top solar installer in California. When she’s not working, she’s organizing events, people, and un-alphabatizing her bookshelf, or attempting to improve her cooking skills. Hannah holds a BA degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.

And Tom!

Welcome Tom!

Tom Naughton comes to Wordnik from Apple where he spent 15 years working on localization, internationalization, WebObjects, and Xcode. Prior to that, he worked on edutainment titles at MECC including The Oregon Trail. He studied French, Japanese, and Computer Science at Michigan State University, and Computational Linguistics at San José State University.

In his spare time, Tom likes to read non-fiction, work on iOS applications, ride his Harley, and stare at spectrograms.

We’re very glad to have Hannah and Tom with us!

Welcome Katie!

Welcome Katie!

We are very happy to welcome Katie Cushmore to Wordnik, as our new VP of Marketing! Katie is a veteran marketing professional who has worked with prominent social media and technology firms on the west coast, and has significant start-up experience. She began her career in media at Goodby, Silverstein and Partners focusing on traditional media for consumer brands. She was a partner at two digital firms, Black Bag Advertising and the online arm of Odiorne, Wilde, Narraway and Partners, specializing in online consumer brands and social media serving clients such as Amazon, EA, HP, Sony, Intel, Travelocity, Google, and Toyota. She served as Marketing Director at Yahoo, was the first Sales MarCom hire at Twitter, and was VP of Marketing at NetShelter, the largest network of independent technology blogs. Katie received a BA degree from Bates College and an MA degree in Counseling Psychology from The Wright Institute.

A Wordnik welcome to Andy and Jeff

We’re happy to be welcoming two new Wordniks — Jeff Barbose, who joins Wordnik today, and Andy Loong, who has recently joined us full-time.

Welcome Jeff!

Jeff is a software architect and UX designer with more than twenty years of experience designing and creating user interfaces and applications; the last dozen have been specific to native iOS and Mac OS X app development. This included a stint as a Senior Application Architect at Apple Inc. He’d tell you what he was working on, but, well … you know.
He also participated in the first go-round of eBooks at NuvoMedia, helping to design and implement the RocketLibrarian for Mac which accompanied the Rocket eBook device.
The best software and user experience, in his opinion, delight the user and make interacting with devices so well-suited to the task that the user doesn’t recall the details of having used them.
Jeff also writes long-form fiction, keeps a blog, paints, sketches, and invents new creative outlets when required. His academic background in biological sciences has allowed him to anticipate advances in software engineering and best practices: our industry has yet to invent anything in software that life hasn’t already accomplished in nature.

Andy Loong joins Wordnik!

Before Wordnik, Andy worked at HP/Palm as Operations Manager overseeing the HP WebOS cloud services data centers, where he took on the challenge to architect and implement the first generation cloud services infrastructure for WebOS. Over three years, Andy built multiple data centers in the US, the EU, and China to support millions of Palm customers. All the data centers that Andy has built are “lights-out style,” meaning that everything is managed remotely and programmatically to engage servers into services, so six data centers (plus of development, QA and stress test environments) could be run with only a few system admin on staff.
Before Palm, Andy was at Mobitv where he built the network that is currently used by Sprint. Andy has also worked at Siemens Business Division, managing some of their high-security data centers.

We’re happy to have Jeff and Andy on the team!

Welcome Joe!

Joe Spector

We’re happy to announce that Joe Spector has joined Wordnik as our first Director of Business Development!

As our new Director of BD, Joe will lead and implement partnership efforts for Wordnik and manage relationships with major publishers, content providers and mobile application developers.

Prior to joining Wordnik, Joe has worked at a number of mobile and online media companies including GREE, Meebo (acquired by Google) and SAY Media (formerly VideoEgg) all in a business development capacity. These experiences provide industry knowledge and relationships that will be instrumental in shaping distribution and revenue growth at Wordnik.

Originally from Uzbekistan, Joe can speak fluent Russian and can put away a lot of desserts. Joe received his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from UC Berkeley and his MBA from The Wharton School. Follow him on Twitter at @joespector.

Welcome Omar!

Welcome Omar!

Omar is Wordnik’s newest recruit and first Product Designer. Little is known about him: he is a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue. The few facts we do have: he started his career in Los Angeles as a part of small creative boutiques, only to be swooped up by Sapient. He’s worked on brands ranging from Disney and Sony to Logitech and ESPN. He’s never one to be satisfied and always looking to evolve. If asked about what he does he simply says “I just want to make honest design that subtly educates and delights the audience. That’s my contribution to the world.”

We’re very happy to have Omar at Wordnik! (If you find out any other details about him, please leave them in a plain white #10 envelope under the statue of Leon the Giraffe in San Mateo’s Central Park.)

Welcome Ascander!

We’re happy to welcome another addition to the Wordnik team — Ascander Dost!

Welcome Ascander!

Before joining Wordnik Ascander was a research software development engineer at Microsoft’s Bing, where he worked on data mining/machine learning projects. He joined Microsoft via their acquisition of Powerset, a semantic search engine company, where he worked on things like extracting semantic structure from web documents. He got a PhD in Linguistics at UC Santa Cruz, where he says that he “mostly avoided writing a dissertation, and occasionally worked on writing a dissertation.” Ascander is a Bay Area native and loves riding, wrenching on, and occasionally crashing motorcycles, reading strange novels, listening to loud music, and eating tasty food.

Welcome Jim, Aaron, and (belatedly) Thomas!

We’ve been lucky to add more great new folks to the Wordnik office lately — Jim, Aaron, and Thomas!

Jim Hao

Jim Hao

Jim has worked in the software industry for more than 10 years. As his interests shifted from artificial intelligence/machine learning to programming methodology, he moved from the campus to Silicon Valley, and has been coding in C/C++ and Java for web applications. Recently he’s been interested in and working in Scala and PHP.

Jim came to Wordnik from Reputation.com, where he was the engineering manager of the platform team (and where he worked with Wordnik’s Tiger Lan). Before that he worked for both big companies (including Visa, Shutterfly, Ebay and Peoplesoft) and for web startups.

Jim holds a Ph.D degree in CS from Tsinghua University, and a Master’s in CS from Oregon State University.

Outside work, Jim likes to run and hike, and has finished 4 full marathons, 2 Rim2Rim races, Mt Whitney, and C2C. His new challenges include qualifying for the Boston Marathon, R3, and Kilimanjaro.

Aaron Hans

Aaron Hans

Aaron likes to creates silly things like a punching bag that controls music playback or a mobile application to find nearby graffiti. In a perverse mood one day he wrote some bad advice for front end developers at howtomakebrowserscry.wordpress.com. In the past he has been paid to build websites or native applications by Electronic Arts, Yahoo, and IGN and may be found kiteboarding in the bay when not behind the keyboard.

Thomas Haymore

Thomas Haymore

Thomas joined us part-time last year and has been full-time as a Product Manager now for quite a while … so much so that it’s hard to remember a time when he wasn’t on the team! Thomas is a Ph.D/J.D. candidate at Stanford University, where he was the Editor-in-Chief and CEO of the Stanford Law Review. When he’s not wrangling the intersection of product and engineering, he likes to make delicious gluten-free baked goods, temper some high-quality chocolate, goof off with his adorable sons, or indulge in his hobby, competitive Esperanto Haiku Yodeling.