Welcome Ascander!

We’re happy to welcome another addition to the Wordnik team — Ascander Dost!

Welcome Ascander!

Before joining Wordnik Ascander was a research software development engineer at Microsoft’s Bing, where he worked on data mining/machine learning projects. He joined Microsoft via their acquisition of Powerset, a semantic search engine company, where he worked on things like extracting semantic structure from web documents. He got a PhD in Linguistics at UC Santa Cruz, where he says that he “mostly avoided writing a dissertation, and occasionally worked on writing a dissertation.” Ascander is a Bay Area native and loves riding, wrenching on, and occasionally crashing motorcycles, reading strange novels, listening to loud music, and eating tasty food.

2 thoughts on “Welcome Ascander!

  1. A new broom! Excellent. Kindly fix this kind of thing in your output (via NYT in this instance). An offering that xx is the plural of something, without also defining “something”, is not useful:

    (HH AY1 K UW0 Z)
    – noun
    Plural form of haiku

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