Secret Word Wednesday Explained

In you’ve been following us on Twitter, you know that every Wednesday we play a secret word guessing game. The rules are simple. Read the clues, tweet your guesses, then check the pronunciation in the upper right hand corner of the word page for Pee-wee Herman‘s enthusiastic proclamation to see if you’re right. If multiple players guess the correct word, the fastest tweet wins. The prize is a bit of Wordnik swag and bragging rights.

Today’s secret word was the noun, setout:

  1. A beginning; an outset.
  2. Preparations, as for beginning a journey.
  3. Company; set; clique.
  4. A display, as of plate, or china, or elaborate dishes and wines at table; dress and accessories; equipage; turn-out.

The first clue today was rampant among high schoolers, referring to the “company, set, clique” meaning of setout. Players had a lot of great (and, arguably, true) guesses, such materialism, braggadocio, acne, and (ahem) erections.

The second clue was the most popular place at a party? While we were referring to the definition “a display, as of plate, or china, or elaborate dishes and wines at table; dress and accessories; equipage; turn-out,” @The_Word_Nerd actually came very close by guessing another sense, clique.

The third clue was you can’t have a middle or end without it referring to the “beginning, outset” meaning of setout.  A couple of more good guesses, but order and pregnancy weren’t today’s secret word.

Finally, the bonus clue was “Tote us” to the party, this would say if it could talk. If you’ve played Secret Word Wednesday before, you’ll know that quotes indicate an anagram. The letters in “tote” and “us” can be rearranged to spell setout (as well as outset, a synonym). In addition, the sentence itself demonstrates a meaning of the word, in this case “a display, as of elaborate dishes.”

And it was Amy Goldstein, aka @northboundlane, who got today’s secret word!  Congrats!

Remember, you have a chance to win Secret Word Wednesday every week!  Just follow us on Twitter.