
Today’s word of the day is vug (or vough), a small cavity in a rock or mineral vein, often with a lining of different composition from that of the surrounding rock. It’s a miners’ name for that which geologists more generally call a geode. A synonym is druse.

Wordnik word of the day: muffineer

Today’s word of the day is muffineer. An overweight cast member of The Mickey Mouse Club? No! It’s a dish in which to keep hot and from which to serve toasted muffins or crumpets. Its also sometimes a vessel of metal with a perforated cover, used to sprinkle sugar or salt on muffins. We’ve heard of salting watermelons, but salting muffins? Is that like salting a mine?*

Muffins: A co-invention of Heaven and Hell for human amusement and torture.
Muffins: A co-invention of Heaven and Hell for human amusement and torture.
Photo by Ginny (ginnerobot) under a Creative Commons license.

*To salt a mine is to plant bits of precious metal in it so that some sucker thinks there’s much more than there is and then pays too much money for a worthless hole in the ground.