
Today’s word of the day is alectryomancy, an ancient practice of foretelling events by means of a rooster. The letters of the alphabet were traced on the ground in squares within a circle, and a grain of corn was placed on each; a rooster was then permitted to pick up the grains, and the letters under them, being formed into words in the order of their selection by the rooster, were supposed to foretell the event. Sometimes written alectoromancy.


Today’s word of the day is captious, which is used to describe a nitpicker or a person apt to notice and make much of unimportant faults or defects, who is disposed to find fault or raise objections, who is prone to cavil, or who is difficult to please.


Today’s word of the day is vug (or vough), a small cavity in a rock or mineral vein, often with a lining of different composition from that of the surrounding rock. It’s a miners’ name for that which geologists more generally call a geode. A synonym is druse.


Today’s word of the day is lambent, meaning “flickering lightly over or on a surface,” “effortlessly light or brilliant” or “having a gentle glow; luminous.”