Wordnik Tech Roundup

Wordnik Lead Engineer Kumanan Rajamanikkam recently wrote a great post for Cloudera’s blog about how we’re using Hadoop to process our corpus data–a real challenge, since the corpus can grow at up to 8,000 words per second. Since switching to Cloudera-flavored Hadoop, some analysis jobs that once took over three weeks to run can now be done in a day.

The blog High Scalability also wrote a good summary of blog posts and slideshows outlining how we use MongoDB and Scala, among other tools, to manage our data.

And, saving the best for last, we’d like to introduce our new Director of Engineering, Ramesh Pidikiti, who will be working on our API and our overall engineering project management. Prior to joining Wordnik Ramesh was the VP of Engineering at Passenger, and before that played lead roles at Certus Software and HCL. We’re very excited to have him–welcome, Ramesh!