Wordnik News: Swagger, Jobs, NoSQL Now

Here’s a roundup of the latest in Wordnik-related happenings.

Wordnik’s got Swagger. This week we released Swagger, a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. The goal of Swagger is to enable client and documentation systems to update at the same pace as the server. The documentation of methods, parameters and models are tightly integrated into the server code, allowing APIs to always stay in sync. See the write-up on ReadWriteWeb for more information.

Jobs. Wordnik’s hiring! Check out the Jobs page for the latest openings. More to come!

NoSQL Now Conference. Our own Tony Tam will be speaking at the NoSQL Now Conference in San Jose on August 25, on the topic “What Drove Wordnik Non-Relational?” Sign up now!

Reminders. Remember that Erin McKean’s TED book, Aftercrimes, Geoslavery, and Thermogeddon: Thought-Provoking Words from a Lexicographer’s Notebook, is now available. Erin’s book takes a “revealing look at a torrent of new words and phrases—in science, politics, social life—that reveal our changing societies,” and is available on Amazon for the Kindle.  Also take a look at Erin’s latest Boston Globe column for more collectible words.

Finally, don’t forget about the Wordnik-powered weekend feature in The Wall Street Journal, “The Week in Words,” a field guide to unusual words in that week’s WSJ issue.  Here’s last week’s column and this week’s.